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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 5th December 2022

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend 😊

Please see below for home reinforcement:


JOLLY PHONICS - Revision week of sounds covered so far.  Click on the link below and practise singing songs and doing actions for s, a, t, i, p, n, c, k, e - also see phonics task in bag (up to ‘e’)

READING – Continue to practise words in 'Here' Book - track words with finger as text is read, ask child to point out specific words, e.g. point at here / in / look etc.

READING GAME - continue to play 'pairs game' to help build quick sight recognition of words in Here book.


Visit Topmarks site, click on the link below

Choose your activity (1to 5)

Thank you.

Enjoy your evening.     

Miss Lynn