Home Learning Archive 22/23
Good afternoon 😊
Please see below for tonight’s homework:
Continue to practise letter formation of sounds covered so far.
Keep practising songs and actions too
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqFMl6o-4J0 (s,a,t,i,p,n)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBQ32NkIgv0 (c/k,e,h)
We are working on number 6 this week. Practise writing number 6 and counting out 6 objects.
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/todays-number-up-to-20 Play today’s number and choose number 6.
Revise 'Help' book. Go back over book and ask your child to point at certain words to ensure they can identify the words and aren't just reading the book from memory. Complete Reading worksheet to help develop visual recall of words.
GRANDPARENTS' DAY – photograph and two simple sentences about Grandparent
**Trip to the Grand Opera House tomorrow**
We will be leaving school at 11am.
Pupils should come to school wearing their full school uniform and a coat.
We will have our healthy break in school before we leave. Children need to bring a packed lunch (remember no glass bottles).
Children can bring a treat to eat during the performance.
We are hoping to be back in school by 5pm, any updates will be sent using our text service.
Have a lovely evening.
Many thanks,
Miss Lynn
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429