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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 23rd January 2023

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend 😊

Thank you to everyone for the beautiful photographs of dearly loved grandparents. These will feature in our special Grandparent’s Day Assembly on Wednesday. (Hopefully everyone got their invitations which were sent home on Friday).  Grandparent’s Day is part of our celebration during this week which is 'Catholic Schools Week.'  I have attached a booklet below for your reference.

Please see below for tonight’s homework:


JOLLY PHONICS - new sound m.

Complete worksheet (writing sound and colouring pictures) and practise writing 'm' in Jolly Phonic's Book. Carry out usual Jolly Phonic Activities to help children learn these sounds and form these letters.  Continue to revise and revisit sounds regularly, which we have covered to date to ensure they are retained. 

PHONICS ONLINE – Introduction of new sound ‘m’ by Mr Mc.

Click on Link

Mr Mc begins by playing ‘what’s in the box?’ Mr Mc blends some sounds for you to listen and see if you can hear the word and guess what’s in the box. Next, he shows some sound flashcards.  Can you say the sounds you know? You don’t know all of them yet.  About 6.10 minutes in Mr Mc introduces our new sound m.  Mr Mc will ask you to say and do things.  Make sure you listen and watch carefully and join in with Mr Mc.  He shows you how to blend to read some ‘m’ words and also demonstrates how to write ‘m’.  Next, he shows you how to segment the word ‘mask’ into 4 sounds to spell it.  Finally, he ends with looking at letters, saying sound and blending sound together to read word.  He challenges you to try reading them on your own (if you can? Don’t worry if you can’t 😊)

READING – New Book ‘Home’  

Look at front of book jacket, discuss illustration and look at Title word ‘Home.’ Parent and child look through the book, first looking at the pictures to predict the storyline.  Where is the story set?  Who are the characters?  What happens at the end?  Next, parent reads the book aloud to child.  Parent tracks text with finger as you read it. Find the word ‘Home’ on each page. Find the question mark on each page.  What question is being asked? Also review any flashcards you may have.

Enjoy your evening.     

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn

CSW-2023_Primary_JuniorSenior-resource_English.pdf Download