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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Tue 7th February 2023

Good afternoon everyone 😊

Please see below for tonight’s homework:


READING – Consolidate ‘Digger’. Make sure your child points at the words as they read them (so they have not just memorised the book!!)  After reading go back over book and parent points at individual words, asking your child what word it is. Also practise flashcards (marked 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5.)

READING EGGS: A new lesson has been allocated for our sound this week 'g.'


Jolly Phonics Book 1 – ‘Ants’ Please open the attached book. We have covered all of the sounds in this book so let’s start trying to blend our sounds to read the words.  Parents, your child may not have the hang of this yet so you can blend the sounds for them and ask if they can hear the word.  TIP – Read the ‘Teacher/Parent Notes’ on the last page for information 😊



  • Introduce number 9 using lesson allocated on Maths Seeds
  • Introduce number 9 by googling 'Jack Hartman Number 9'
  • Let children practise counting out 9 items, finding number 9, forming numeral 9, finding rod 9.  


Parents call out sounds covered so far (see attached Jolly Phonic table) (s a t i p n c k e h r m d g) on paper (encourage correct formation.)

JOLLY PHONICS REVISION - Keep singing Jolly Phonics Songs for Sounds 's' 'a' 't' 'i' 'p' 'n' 'c' 'k' 'e' 'h' 'r' 'm' ‘d’ ‘g’– do the actions too!


SAFER INTERNET DAY Today we celebrated Safer Internet Day – we read some stories and talked about the things we can use the internet for. We also talked about how sometimes there can be things on the internet that aren’t safe and how we should always ask someone we trust for help, if something goes wrong. I have shared a story ‘Hanni and the Magic Window’ that you could read together which highlights the importance of asking for help straight away if something goes wrong when we’re online. Have a lovely evening.     

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn

Jolly_Phonics_Ants_Book_1.pptx Download
Hanni-and-the-Magic-Window.pdf Download
Jolly_Phonics_Table.doc Download