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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Wed 8th February 2023

Hello everyone,

Please see below for tonight’s homework

Reading – please check reading record and sign


Parents call out sounds covered so far (s a t i p n c k e h r m d g) on paper (encourage correct formation.)

Call out the following words with ‘a’ in the middle for your child to try and write – parent can help break the words up into sounds. (p-i-n/ p-i-t/ p-i-g/ s-i-t)

Numeracy – continue practising counting to 10 and back to 0

Continue to practise counting out 9 items, finding number 9, forming numeral 9, finding rod 9. 

Online Homework – everyone has until Friday to complete the Maths Seeds and Reading Eggs activities set for homework.


This week we are celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. Today in school we talked about the different ways we are connected in our class. We are celebrating how truly AMAZING all the boys and girls are in our class!! Please find in your bag a w/s ‘I Am an Amazing Person!’

Enjoy the rest of your evening 😊

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn