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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Wed 22nd February 2023

Hello everyone,

Please see below for tonight’s homework

Reading/ Blending practice – Please write down the following words and ask your child to say the sounds to see if they can blend to read the words: mop / pot / hop / got / cot

READING – 'This is Me' reading book to help develop quick recall of high frequency words. Also practise flashcards (marked 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5.) 


In our writing revision session some children were having a little difficulty with correct formation of a few letters. Please use this week to practise writing all letters covered so far (s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o) Please check they are forming letters correctly.


Introduce number 10 using lesson allocated on Maths Seeds 

Introduce number 10 by googling 'Jack Hartman Number 10'

Let children practise counting out 10 items, finding number 10, forming numeral 10, finding rod 10.  

Online Homework – everyone has until Friday to complete the Maths Seeds and Reading Eggs activities set for homework.

Enjoy the rest of your evening 😊

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn