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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Tue 28th February 2023

Good afternoon everyone

Please see below for ideas for tonight’s homework:


READING EGGS: A new lesson has been allocated for our sound this week 'u'


Reading Book - see reading record

Flashcards (recognising and reading key words from Ginn reading scheme)

Laminated word list (blending sounds together to read small words)


See MATHS PACK in schoolbag - please play these games throughout the week. Please keep resources in schoolbag as we will be playing the games in school as well. 

We are working on all numbers from 0 -10 this week. Practise counting out objects, recognising and writing all numbers correctly from 0-10.  

Maths Seeds A new activity has been allocated - Revision on 1-10


World Book Day

Dressing up for World Book Day – Dress up as your favourite book character/ in your favourite clothes

Take a picture reading your favourite book in a strange place

Potato model of your favourite book character

All information about World Book Day can be found on the Thursday Note

Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn 😊