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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 2nd March 2023

Hello everyone,

You all looked AMAZING today in your World Book Day costumes!! Thank you very much for your kind donations to Sr. Patricia 😊

Please find your homework below:


WRITING (NEW ACTIVITY) - In order for children to write words which can be sounded out (e.g. cat, man etc) they have to be able to hear the sounds in words and know how to write the letters for these sounds.  Please help your child practise these skills by calling out the words for them to try and write all by themselves into their Homework writing book.  Homework writing book is in their school bag along with their strip of words.  We did the first few words at school. If your child gets tired reduce the number of words.


Reading Book - see reading record

Flashcards (recognising and reading key words from Ginn reading scheme)

Laminated word list (blending sounds together to read small words)


See MATHS PACK in school bag

Reading Eggs/ Maths Seeds

Please try to complete activities set for tomorrow


-P5/6/7 Bun Sale Tomorrow will be the first Bun Sale to help raise money for Trócaire. Pupils can buy a maximum of 5 buns each. Each bun is 20p. Please bring an empty container/ box to take buns home in.

-10p Trail – please keep sending in your 10ps

-This week’s Thursday note is in your child’s bag

-Remember Golden Time toy for tomorrow

I hope you all have a lovely weekend😊

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn