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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 9th March 2023

Hello everyone,

Almost Friday!! Please find your homework below:


WRITING - Homework writing book is in school bag along with their strip of words (List 2).  Remember if your child gets tired reduce the number of words.


Reading Book - see reading record


Laminated word list

Grow in Love

Please complete pg.33 in Grow in Love Book, ‘Jesus Said...’

Optional Online Homework

Reading Eggs activity set on new sound l

*Mother's Day* We are working on something very special for Mother's Day in P1&2. If possible could you please send in a photo of your child with their mammy before next Wednesday 14th March. If you are sending in a hard copy we will photocopy it and return the original, or if it is easier you could email me the photograph. Thank you 😊


-P1/2 Bun Sale Tomorrow – all details on Thursday Note

The boys and girls will be able to buy buns tomorrow as well as sell them. Pupils can buy a maximum of 5 buns each. Each bun is 20p. Please bring an empty container/ box to take buns home in.

-10p Trail – please keep sending in your 10ps

-This week’s Thursday note is in your child’s bag

-Remember Golden Time toy for tomorrow

I hope you all have a lovely weekend😊

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn