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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 13th March 2023

Hello everyone,

Please see below for tonight’s homework:

JOLLY PHONICS  new sound ‘f’ (see Jolly Phonic book)

Carry out usual Jolly Phonic Activity to help children learn this sound and form this letter.  Remember, to keep practising correct formation of letters.

READING - NEW ACTIVITY - Practise skill of blending sounds together by reading words on laminated strip of words from Jolly Phonics (word list is in your child’s bag). Remember this can be broken down to practise a few words each night. 

READING Please See Reading Record

*Mother's Day* We are working on something very special for Mother's Day in P1&2. If possible could you please send in a photo of your child with their mammy before next Wednesday 14th March. If you are sending in a hard copy we will photocopy it and return the original, or if it is easier you could email me the photograph. Thank you 😊

Many thanks,

Enjoy the rest of your evening 😊

Miss Lynn