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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 17th April 2023

Good evening everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter Holidays 😊 It was lovely to see you all back, smiling and ready for our Summer Term.

P1 homework reinforcement:

BLENDING PRACTICE - Throughout week practise skill of blending sounds together by reading words on the laminated strip of words in your child’s bag.  If your child is finding this tricky you can sound out the word for them, asking them to listen carefully so they can hear and say the word you are blending for them.

GINN READING – please see new reading book and sign reading record.

FLASH CARDS - Some of you may have flashcards.  Please check your pack and go over each night. 

JOLLY PHONICS – new sound ‘j' (see Jolly Phonic book) Carry out usual Jolly Phonic Activity to help children learn this sound and form letter. Please ensure your child tries to form this letter correctly. Sing song and action (introduced at school today)

Please continue to revise and revisit previously taught sounds regularly

Many thanks,

Enjoy the rest of your evening 😊

Miss Lynn