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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Tue 25th April 2023

Hello everyone

Please see below for ideas for tonight’s homework:


READING – see reading record

PHONICS – See Reading Eggs lesson on ‘z'. This is an excellent follow up activity on 'z' and on early reading skills.

FLASHCARDS AND BLENDING LIST – Continue to practise flashcards (if you have any) and blending words on your laminated word list.


Adding on 1 within 10.  Today we learnt that 3+1 is the same as 1+3; 5 +1 is the same as 1+ 5 etc (you just start with the big number in the sum and then add on the 1.)  Please complete worksheet in your bag to practise this. 

Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn 😊