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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Wed 16th November 2022

Hello everyone,

Tonight’s Homework:


READING BOOK - See reading record for pages

SPELLINGS - Complete Worksheet 5.3 tonight from booklet in spelling folder

Keep practising your spellings – LIST 5


Maths w/s in bag.

Continue quick recall of adding 0, adding 1, doubles within 10 and adding 2 within 10.

Online Homework

We have started counting up to 30. Please complete MathSeeds activity for numbers up to 30.

Online Books – When you log on to Reading Eggs, select Library. In the library there should be a stack of books wrapped in a ribbon with a label saying ‘Your Books.’ Click on the pile of books and there are some books related to our Light Up the Dark topic.

Thank you and have a lovely evening,

Miss Lynn