Home Learning Archive 22/23
Hello everyone,
I hope you had a nice weekend 😊
Homework for tonight:
SPELLINGS – Worksheet 7.2 begin to learn week 7 spellings (Please note there are only 2 worksheets for week 7 - please do not move on to week 8 worksheets!)
READING –see reading record and please sign.
Please keep learning play lines
Continue 'Money' topic this week - use coins at home (1p / 2p and 5p) and practise counting amounts up to 20 - remember to count on from the biggest coin.
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game (Coin game suggested level:
In 'SORTING' select 'Sort one coin'
In 'ORDERING' select '1p-20p'
In 'COUNTING' select '1p to 10p')
-Please send in a Santa / Christmas hat on Friday for our Santa Daily Mile!
**We had a very special assembly this morning. Sr. Patricia came to visit our school, to say a massive thank you to all the boys and girls in St. Anne’s, to the parents, grandparents and family members that have shown such generosity to her over the years. To show how grateful she is Sr. Patricia very kindly gave all of the boys and girls special souvenirs from Peru. We heard some stories about the school Sr. Patricia works in and the village she lives in. It was lovely to hear about the difference our fundraising has helped to make. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support our fundraising for Sr. Patricia!!**
Thank you.
Enjoy your evening.
Miss Lynn
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429