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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 1st December 2022

Hello everyone,

Tonight’s Homework:


  • Reading book - please see reading record and sign 
  • Jolly Phonic sounds -new sound ‘oi’ taught at school today.  Look and revise sound sheet for ‘oi’ in your Jolly Phonics Book
  • Spellings - Remember, there is no worksheet for tonight so just call out SPELLING WORDS from LIST 7 for children to record in preparation for their spelling test tomorrow


Complete maths worksheet in bag on this week's topic - Money– preparation for weekly challenge tomorrow!

Grow in Love

Please complete pg.19 in Grow in Love Book, ‘We get ready’ If you didn’t get pg. 18 finished in school today, please complete tonight.


-This week’s Thursday note is in your child’s bag

-Remember Golden Time toy for tomorrow

-Christmas/ Santa Daily Mile tomorrow

-Remember to sign spelling test and Weekly Challenge when it is sent home on Friday evening.  Also revise and make any corrections

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn