Home Learning Archive 22/23
Hello everyone,
I hope you had a lovely weekend 😊
Please see below for tonight’s homework:
SPELLINGS – Worksheet 9.2 begin to learn week 9 spellings
READING –see reading record and please sign.
Oral revision of doubles and adding 0, 1 and 2. We are learning to add on 3 within 10 this week
In preparation of 'Grandparents' Day' on Wednesday 1st February 2023 I would be grateful if you could send in a photograph of one of your child's grandparents. Your child will use this to talk and write about their grandparent. It would also be very helpful if you could help them prepare TWO simple sentences about their chosen grandparent and enclose this with the photograph.
E.g. I love you granny ______(name). I love (baking buns with you / playing with you / sleepovers with you) or you are special because ______________.
N.B. This will be an annual lesson so pupils will have the opportunity to speak / write about a different Grandparent next year. The photograph you send of their chosen Grandparent will be photocopied and returned to you. You can of course send the photograph and few words by email if easier.
Trip to the Grand Opera House this Wednesday. Please see Thursday note for all information.
Enjoy your evening.
Many thanks,
Miss Lynn
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429