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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Tue 17th January 2023

Good afternoon 😊

Please see below for tonight’s homework:

GRANDPARENT PHOTOGRAPHS - Thank you for all the lovely photographs you have emailed or sent in.  Please send any outstanding pics by tomorrow (Wednesday 18th Jan before 9am.) Please don't worry if you haven't been able to send in a picture as children can draw their grandparent instead.


SPELLINGS – Ensure Spelling worksheets for week 10 are complete and learn spellings from WEEK 10.  Please do not move onto worksheets for week 11.

READING –see reading record and please sign.

JOLLY PHONICS – We covered the sound 'er' at school today. Look at the 'er' sound sheet in your child's Jolly Phonic Book (finish if incomplete from class) and also practise writing 'er' on adjacent page.


Continue 'Train plus 3' game from yesterday

READING EGGS: A new lesson has been allocated for you.  This lesson includes some activities for ‘id’ words

Have a lovely evening.     

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn