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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 23rd January 2023

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend 😊

Thank you to everyone for the beautiful photographs of dearly loved grandparents. These will feature in our special Grandparent’s Day Assembly on Wednesday. (Hopefully everyone got their invitations which were sent home on Friday).  Grandparent’s Day is part of our celebration during this week which is 'Catholic Schools Week.'  I have attached a booklet below for your reference.

Please see below for tonight’s homework:


SPELLINGS – Worksheet 11.2 begin to learn week 11 spellings

READING –see reading record and please sign.

PHONICS - Revise recognition of sounds and writing sounds. 


MENTAL MATHS – ORALLY ask your child to count forward and back from 0-20. Extend to 30.  Now ask them to count on and back from different starting points within 20 / 30, e.g. count on from 13 – 19; count back from 19-12 (remember, they will find it harder to count on and back from random numbers within 20 as they have to really think of the number ‘before’ and the number ‘after.’  Also ask some ‘quick fire’ sums, e.g. doubles within 10 (to ensure they are retained!)

PRACTICAL MATHS – Play Train Game for ‘add on 3 ’to help build quick mental recall for number facts 1+3=4 / 2+3=5 / 3+3=6 / 4+3=7 / 5+3=8 / 6+3= 9 / 7+3=10.  Alternatively, play ‘Show Me’ with the rods.  Parent asks a question, e.g. 7+3 and pupil ‘shows me’ the answer by holding up the correct rod, e.g. 10 rod.  Remember to always count on FROM THE BIGGER NUMBER in the sum!

Enjoy your evening.     

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn

CSW-2023_Primary_JuniorSenior-resource_English.pdf Download