Home Learning Archive 22/23
Good afternoon everyone,
Please find your homework below:
- See Reading Record / See Reading worksheet enclosed - Also see Library Book
- SPELLINGS –call out SPELLING WORDS from LIST 13 for children to record in preparation for their spelling test tomorrow. Check you have completed worksheets for week 13
Maths w/s in bag
Keep working on asking for the number ‘BEFORE’ and the number ‘AFTER’ within 10. Also revisit number walls for 5 and 6 from yesterday’s practical work. Can you recite the walls, e.g. Wall of 5: 5+0=5; 4+1=5; 3+2=5; 2+3=5; 1+4=5; 0+5=5 AND Wall of 6: 6+0=6; 5+1=6; 4+2=6; 3+3=6; 2+4=6; 1+5=5; 0+6=6
Grow in Love
Please complete pg.31 in Grow in Love Book, ‘Jesus is our Good Shepherd.’ If you didn’t get pg. 30 finished in school today, please complete tonight.
Reading Eggs/ Maths Seeds
Please try to complete activities set for tomorrow
-This week’s Thursday note is in your child’s bag
-Remember Golden Time toy for tomorrow
-Please remember to make any corrections and sign Spelling Test and Weekly Challenge which will be sent home tomorrow
-Remember 12pm finish tomorrow
*Milk money for March/ April order deadline is tomorrow - please see Thursday note for more info.*
I hope you all have a lovely midterm break 😊
Many thanks,
Miss Lynn
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429