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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 27th April 2023

Hello everyone,

Please find your homework below:


SPELLINGS AND SENTENCE WRITING - Continue to practise sentence writing in your writing books tonight. Use tricky words from Lists 1-3 to write your sentences. Remember to try writing today’s date at the top of your page.


Please see reading record


See enclosed worksheet in preparation for Weekly Challenge tomorrow

Grow in Love

Please complete pg.45 in Grow in Love Book, ‘The Church Bells.’


-Remember Golden Time toy for tomorrow

-School will we be closed on Monday 1st May

-Please remember to make any corrections and sign Spelling Test and Weekly Challenge which will be sent home tomorrow

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend😊

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn