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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 15th May 2023

Hello everyone,

Please see below for tonight’s homework:


SPELLINGS AND SENTENCE WRITING – Really focus on weeks 10-12 - Please continue to consolidate P2 Spellings and become more confident sentence writers by writing a few sentences each night into your writing book (in preparation for check up on Friday) and recap on weeks 7-9 if still unsure.

READING –see reading record and please sign.

READING EGGS - Keep working through your Reading Eggs!

JOLLY PHONICS -Revise all sounds on the attached Jolly Phonics Table (throughout week)


MENTAL MATHS – Throughout the week continue to revisit odd and even numbers.  Also recall subtracting 0,1,2,3,4, 5 and 6 from numbers within 10.

Remember an old outdoor jacket for outdoor play as some of the play can be messy!

Many thanks,

Enjoy the rest of your evening

Miss Lynn

Jolly Phonics Table P2.doc Download