Home Learning Archive 22/23
Hello everyone,
Please see below for tonight’s homework:
SPELLINGS AND SENTENCE WRITING – This week please focus on Tricky Words from List 13-15 - Please continue to consolidate P2 Spellings and become more confident sentence writers by writing a few sentences, using tricky words, each night into your writing book (in preparation for check up on Friday)
READING –see reading record and please sign.
READING EGGS - Keep working through your Reading Eggs!
JOLLY PHONICS -Revise all sounds on the attached Jolly Phonics Table (throughout week)
MENTAL MATHS – Throughout the week continue to revisit odd and even numbers. Also recall addition within 10 and subtracting numbers within 10.
ICT MATHS – Keep practising Topmarks Games (links shared last Wednesday)
**Please check your child's bag for permission slip for our P1/2 end of year trip!! We are heading to The Jet Centre and can't WAIT! Please complete and return permission slip with payment ASAP so we can process and confirm!**
Many thanks,
Enjoy the rest of your evening
Miss Lynn
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429