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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Tue 2nd May 2023

Tonight's homework: 

  • New Wave Mental Maths (Page 48 - Tuesday) 
  • New Wave Literacy (Page 71 - Day 2)
  • P3 Reading Next 4 pages 
  • Primary 3 learn 3x tables


  • Primary 4 - Practise readings and continue to learn prayers and responses for Holy Communion. If possible could the children bring in a picture of the day when they were baptised or when they were a baby if they have not already : ) Complete page 'A new beginning' page if didn't get completed in class and complete picture in 'We all belong to God's Kingdom' page - both in Blue Holy Communion booklet. 

Many thanks, 

Miss McFadden.