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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Fri 20th January 2023

Tonight's homework: 

  • New Wave Mental Maths (Page 30 - Monday)
  • New Wave Literacy (Page 44 - Day 1) 
  • Reading (See reading record)
  • Learn spellings (List 13) This is the same spellings as last week but they were postponed due to the weather and quite a few children off school last week! 

Can we make sure that the Grandparent's worksheet is complete for tomorrow please as the children will be reading these sentences at Grandparent's day assembly :) These worksheets are in the children's school bag with a place for a photograph. If you like I can print the photos if their are emailed to me on 

Many thanks, 

Miss McFadden.