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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 6th February 2023

Tonight's homework: 

  • New Wave Mental Maths 
  • New Wave Literacy 
  • Reading book (Next 4 pages)
  • Learn spellings (List 15) 
  • Texaco art competition application form and draft - I spoke to the children about the art competition today - there is no specific theme, they can draw anything that they like. They can have a think about what they want to draw tonight (A world you would like to see) and can draft up a first draft if they like at home tonight or find something that may help them to draw, for example (a picture of the beach) If anyone would like to send me images of anything online or that they have found, I can print them for the children : ) 
  • Reading eggs and Maths seeds assignment (due date is Friday)

Many thanks, 

Miss McFadden.