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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 27th February 2023

Lenten Fundraising for Trocaire/Sr. Patricia—
P5, P6 & P7 will be having a bun sale on Friday 3rd March.
P3 & P4 will be having a bun sale on Friday 10th March.
P1 & P2 will be having a bun sale on Friday 31st March.
Buns can be either home-made or shop bought (no nuts please). All pupils can purchase buns, which will be priced at 20p each (max of 5). Please send a spare lunch box or takeaway carton to school so that the children can take the buns home.
10p Trail—Bring in as many 10ps as possible through Lent.
Lots of other fun activities will be happening in each class!