Home Learning Archive 22/23
Tonight's Homework:
Primary 3 are not required to complete their New Wave for homework this week in preparation for their First Confessions on Friday.
They should instead use this time to learn their prayers, responses and individual readings or bidding prayers :)
If needs be they will have Confession worksheets in their booklets to finish off at home if we don't get these complete in school.
Primary 4 will have homework in their red homework books this week and are not required to complete New Wave.
There will be no spelling activity booklet to complete for either classes this week - Primary 4 will have spelling workseet in their red homework books.
Many thanks as always for all your hard work with homework,
Miss McFadden.
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429