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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Wed 19th April 2023

Tonight's homework: 

  • New Wave Mental Maths 
  • New Wave Literacy


  • Learn spellings (List 21) 


  • Reading books (Read next 4 pages) - Ask the children to find 2 nouns in their reading book and ask them to change them into pronouns, for example - Rita to She, The Caravan to It. We were doing this in school today so this is revision : ) This should not be written only completed verbally. 


  • P3 learn 2x tables (doubles) if the children know these off by heart they can move onto 3x tables. 
  • P4 learn 4x tables and if they know these they could begin learning their 6x tables but only up to 5 using the adding on 6 technique which is simply adding 6 to the previous answer. 


Any children that have not handed in permission slips for the blitz on Friday can you please do so for tomorrow : ) Only some children have these permission slips as only some children wanted to go and the others have already been. 


Many thanks, 

Miss McFadden.