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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 29th June 2023

Hi Everyone, 

I hope the children are all excited for a well earned summer. Primary 3 + 4 have been an amazing class and I am so very grateful that I got to teach them!! 

Thank you to all of the parents and everyone, for all of the support and help you have given me this year, with the children's learning. 

I have enjoyed every minute with the children and will really miss the Primary 4's :')

I am so excited to see the Primary 3's back in my room in September. 

Thank you all for the lovely, very generous gifts that you have given, I am blown away and I appreciate it all. 


Many thanks,

Miss McFadden!

Ps. I will see you all soon as Mrs Bradley xo