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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 5th January 2023

Hello everyone! It's great to see all the pupils back again and everyone is healthy and well.

Catholic Schools Week begins on 29th January.  The theme is 'Walking together in faith and love.'

At the start of the week (30th/31st January) we will be inviting P5/6/7 grandparents in to help us make St. Brigid's crosses. On Wednesday 1st February we will celebrate St. Brigid's Day and Grandparents' Day. Granparents will be invited to a special assembly on that day. 

In preparation for this, could you email or send in a photograph of one grandparent at your earliest convenience. 

Many thanks, Happy New Year! 

Mrs McQuaid