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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Wed 22nd February 2023


Spellings: List 17. Learn spellings every night for Friday.

Times tables x7

PLAY: 24 hour


New Wave: Numeracy page 35 Wednesday.

                      Literacy Week 17 Day 3

Grow in Love: read page 54. Complete your ‘Traffic Light Lenten Prayer’ worksheet. Put up your Lenten calendar.

Lenten Fundraising: P5/6 have come up with a lot of great ideas to fundraise for Lent this year.

  • One great idea was ‘Guess how many sweets are in the jar.’ Please bring in 1 packet of sweets for the jar.
  • P5/6 would also like to hold a toy and book stall. Please bring in ‘preloved’ toys and books to sell.
  • We will also be collecting 10ps for a 10p trail.
  • We will be collecting loose change in our Trocaire box
  • Tuesday toast each Tuesday starting next week
  • Bun sales beginning with P1/2 bun sale on 3rd March

Thank you for your continuing support.