Home Learning Archive 22/23
Monday 14th November
Mon 14th November 2022
Spellings: List 9. Learn spellings every night for Friday.
Times tables
New Wave - Numeracy page 18 Monday
Literacy Week 9 Day 1
PLAY: https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/shiftingShapes/index.html
Comprehension: complete in homework book
In November we Remember. During the month of November, we especially remember our loved ones who have died. If you haven’t already, please send in a photograph of someone you would like to remember in November.
Anti-Bully week: chat about some of the work we did and some of the discussions we had in class today.
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429