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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Wed 7th December 2022

Hello everyone, 

This week will be the last week of homework/Weekly Challenge before our Christmas show and Christmas holidays. Please encourage your child to practise song words / speaking parts at home in the run up to our show. The children have been working very hard in class and we know it's going to be brilliant. 

Today was our last swimming lesson. All the children earned a certificate and made great progress in the water! 


  • Tables x2-6 (P6 include division and any P5s who know x well) 
  • Spellings Week 12
  • New Wave English P36 Day 3 (Week 12)     New Wave Maths P25 Wednesday. 
  • Mathletics task assigned. Complete for Thursday. 
  • Reading. 
  • Christmas concert songs & parts. 

Any problems get in touch :-)