Home Learning Archive 22/23
Monday 17th October
Mon 17th October 2022
This is Maths Week and we have been taking part in fun Maths activies in school. There are parents resources available on the Maths Week Ireland website: https://www.mathsweek.ie/2022/parents/
We will complete some Maths Week activities this week instead of a regular worksheet.
Here's the usual homework list for this evening:
- Guided Reading: as recorded in Reading Record book. Minimum 15-20 minutes independent/AR reading also.
- New Wave Maths: Page 12, Monday. Bring in tomorrow.
- New Wave English:Page 17, Day 1. Read the skill focus and discuss with a parent before you start. Bring in tomorrow.
- Spellings: List 6/Week 6. Please revise with an adult daily using 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' method.
- Revise 6 to 12x table
- English worksheet (in homework book) Bring in by Thursday
- Brain Gym: Complete Test for tomorrow. Brain Gym will revert to the normal time; 3pm to 4pm on Tuesday. Please complete class test corrections. Continue with revision booklet this week- 2 parts per night over the week as discussed in class
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429