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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - P4

2017/2018 School Year

7th Jun 2018
Congratulations to our two winners of the recent art competition organized by Loughgiel...
25th May 2018
A big thank you to Knockahollet for hosting our shared 'fun sports day' on Wednesday....
3rd May 2018
the P4, P5 and P6 children from St Anne's and Knockahollet have had a wonderful...
28th Mar 2018
We hope you enjoy looking through our pictures, which capture the fun we had in...
21st Mar 2018
Congratulations to all!
19th Mar 2018
P1-3 children were very busy baking buns to sell at our bun sale. We had great fun...