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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - P7

2020/2021 School Year

20th Jan 2021
P3/4 have been hard at work planning a report on a chosen animal. They have been...
14th Jan 2021
P3 and 4 have sent in their wonderful winter art work. I can feel the cold air, brrrrrrr....
12th Jan 2021
What a superb piece of creative writing by Danny in P4. Danny has included lots of...
22nd Dec 2020
Unfortunately we are unable to welcome you all to visit our school as usual this...
18th Dec 2020
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who worked so hard to meet their AR targets...
16th Dec 2020
Well done to our super readers who have been making such good use of Bug Club. We...
16th Dec 2020
A huge well done to everyone in P4. We have only been using AR for a short time in...
16th Dec 2020
Christmas has been a little different in the classroom this year! Enjoy a short performance...