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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Hot break launch

6th Mar 2023

Monday 6th March was the launch date for St Anne’s Free Hot Break scheme, and it was a roaring success! We started gently with toast for everyone but there are plans for a few new things in the weeks ahead!

We started this project because teachers had noticed quite a few children forgetting to bring their break to school each day. After discussing this with our dynamic PTA, we decided that provision of a hot break every day would be something the children might benefit from. We asked the children and they were very keen indeed! 

Our PTA then set about finding a way to fund this worthwhile project and collated a bid to the NACN Cash for a Cause scheme. Thankfully the people of our parish saw value in our PTA pitch and our bid was successful- thank you to everyone who voted for us!

We needed to find a way to make the money stretch until the end of the year. We wanted to use the money as efficiently as possible so our P7 class are now taking on management of St Anne’s Hot Break scheme as a mini business. They are loving the opportunity to develop their ICT skills tracking orders via their MS form, tracking spend via a spreadsheet and of course working as a team to provide the break for all the children daily! Phew!!

Thank you to Helena for coming up to our school today to help out with the launch and to Catherine for delivering the supplies!

If any businesses would like to sponsor our Hot Break for a week please email Mr Duffin on, email our PTA on, call the school on 27641429 or direct  message our PTA via their social media presence.