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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

P4 and P5 have a blast at ‘ESB Science Blast’!

5th Jun 2019

Our P4 and P5 class extended their chutney making project from Term 1 into a scientific experiment for Term 3. Bernie had told them the salt and vinegar acted as a preservative but the children wanted to see if that was really true.

They made some sample batches of chutney without salt, without vinegar and without salt and vinegar then observed them for six weeks beside the control batch of 'real' chutney to see which would go mouldy first. Our prediction was correct, the one without salt or vinegar grew the most mould! Don't look too closely at the picture of the experiment if you are eating your dinner...

The children really had a 'blast' at ESB Science Blast and were excellent ambassadors for our school in the way they presented their project to the judges and to other teachers who came to our stand. Some budding scientists in this group for sure. Well done everyone!