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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Wildflower Hunt in P1 🌼

12th Jun 2020

Izzi has been as busy as ever and has developed a real love for gardening.  So much so that she is getting ready for lots of growing in her polytunnel this summer.  Here she is pictured with a great variety of wildflowers which she found during her wildflower hunt as part of her ‘World Around Us’ work this week.  What beautiful pictures these are 😊 Izzi also observed some bumble bees, calves and little birds while collecting her wildflowers.

Thanks for keeping in touch Izzi and for all your super efforts πŸ‘Œ  Not only have you been committed to your home learning, but you have clearly learnt some fantastic life skills during lockdown which will set you in good stead for the future!

Fantastic work - Well done Izzi πŸ‘