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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - P3/4

2020/2021 School Year

27th Nov 2020
Today in PDMU P3/4 discussed what it means to be unique. If something or someone...
26th Nov 2020
A group of students from the Southern Regional College have been working so hard...
26th Nov 2020
St Anne's PTA Christmas Fundraiser this year is a raffle for a beautiful Christmas...
20th Nov 2020
A massive congratulations to the boys who received Pupil of the Week! Well done and...
20th Nov 2020
As part of Anti-Bullying week P3/4 created a ‘Let’s Make Bullying Extinct...
16th Nov 2020
P1 - P7 were delighted to welcome our Gaelfast coach Dominic to St. Anne’s...
11th Nov 2020
P3/4 have been very hard at work this week writing their 'Two Minute Tales' for the...
11th Nov 2020
A huge well done to our Star Pupils in P3/4. They work really hard every day. 
9th Nov 2020
St Anne’s pupils were once again excited to take part in the Credit Union’s...
6th Nov 2020
For our PDMU lesson today P3/4 revised the Green Cross Code. We looked at a PowerPoint...