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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - P3/4

2019/2020 School Year

9th Jun 2020
Well done to Oisin in P4! This week, primary 3 and 4 were given the challenge of...
8th Jun 2020
Fianna in P6 has been super busy and as usual is putting her artistic skills to great...
3rd Jun 2020
Just a quick reminder that Fr. Patsy has very kindly offered to say a special mass...
2nd Jun 2020
Here are some photos of my plants for you to see how well they are doing now. I planted...
2nd Jun 2020
Rose has got in touch to let us know how what she has been getting up to these last...
31st May 2020
We would like to give a special mention to our primary 4 children, Hollie, Oisin,...
19th May 2020
Oisin has been in touch to let us know what he has been up to this week. As you can...
18th May 2020
Rose has written a beautiful letter to let us know what she has been up to these...
18th May 2020
This week Pope Francis invites us all to care for our planet. There are a number...
18th May 2020
Daniel has been working really hard at home these last few weeks.  Daniel has...