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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - Shared Education

2018/2019 School Year

17th May 2019
The Primary 7 children have just returned from another excellent residential trip...
16th Mar 2019
As a continuation of our P6/7 hurling/hockey Shared PE, half the P6/7 class from...
24th Feb 2019
Our children had a wonderful experience at the annual Peace Proms concert on 24th...
14th Feb 2019
All of us in P1 really enjoyed our shared PE lessons. We worked on our running and...
5th Feb 2019
St Anne's P.S. hosted the annual Credit Union Schools' quiz, enjoyed by the...
31st Jan 2019
Here are the music files for the songs our choir will perform at the Peace...
14th Dec 2018
As part of our continued Shared Education partnership, our P6 and P7 children went...
21st Sep 2018
As part of their Junior Entrepreneur Project, P4 and P5 children had great fun last...
21st Sep 2018
To prepare for our P4 and P5 Junior Entrepreneur chutney making project, our children...

2017/2018 School Year

9th Jun 2018
St Anne’s hurlers went to Dunloy on Friday to participate in the annual North...